Tag Archives: Soundiron

Battle for a lapse in time

Here is a longer story. In fact I’ve shortened it many times! Orchestral instruments fusion with rock and electronics. We have at the same time, peacefull, disturbing,  agressive, virtuosic,  simple, rhythmic, epic and cinematic elements. Some great instrument libraries from: 8DIO, Impact soundworks, Cinesamples, Project SAM, Spitfire audio, Steinberg, Heavyocity, Big fish audio

Oh btw, the soundcloud encoding compressed the risers, so here is the Bandcamp version which relies on uncompressed audio.

any differences?

sounds great! Lots of passion, fury. Covers a lot of styles and intensity.
Really nice production and orchestration.
Will sound great in someone’s movie!!

Walter Roberti

Sounds like a Cross from Robot War to Exodus to Aliens To “Rock of the Ages In Vegas” Pretty intense Alot going on Long enough to be an Intro for a Movie. I wish I could play guitar.Heard the whole track.Great Job

Suite Sauce



Choirs and three soloist toward the end with full orchestra.  Basic four chords progression will dissolve and goes through different tonalities and tempos. The tensions are resolved with the slow ending.

A very beautiful, pastoral intro! A nice epic track!! Enjoyed the different sections, very movie-score-like!!!

Kevin Desire